The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo said that the 2023 Aquabike Jetski World Championship has had a positive impact on tourism players in Lake Toba.
“Such an event will have direct impacts on tourism actors in the Lake Toba area, including the hotel industry, homestay, restaurant, etc,” he said in a statement received in Medan, Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023.
According to Angela, the Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2023 was the right step to promote local tourism. “This becomes a powerful promotional tool as the world media covers news and the athletes also have a lot of followers on social media,” she said.
The 2023 Aquabike Jetski World Championship also received support from the local government that provided interesting attractions, such as art and culture performances, MSMEs exhibition, and even a music concert featuring local and national artists.
“Aquabike is also an entertaining event and pride for the community of Lake Toba,” she added.
Based on the data collected by the Tourism Ministry, Angela said, 3,040 rooms were booked for November 22-23.
The 2023 Aquabike Jetski World Championship on Lake Toba was held on Nov. 22-26, in four regencies, namely Samosir, Karo, Dairi, and Toba.
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