Home » Early capital market education enhances public knowledge: OJK – ANTARA News
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Early capital market education enhances public knowledge: OJK – ANTARA News

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Education since an early age about the capital market could improve citizens’ knowledge of the capital market industry, according to the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

“In the future, it is expected that the kids will know about stocks early on, about the capital market industry. It is expected that they will become investors and leaders in the capital market,” Chief Executive of Capital Market Supervision of the OJK Inarno Djajadi stated.

Djajadi delivered the statement at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Main Hall reopening here on Monday.

At this opening ceremony, IDX gave the opportunity to Labschool Kindergarten students, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, to learn more about the national capital market.

Djajadi emphasized the need for the younger generation to save money for investment, especially in the capital market.

“If we want to invest, do not use all the money. We have to save, we have to be good at math, what to save, what to give (invest) to stocks,” he remarked.

Chief executive of the behavior supervisory of financial services, education and consumer protection at the OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi received the title of Matron of Financial Literacy from PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) and the Central Securities Depository (KSEI).

She was awarded the title for her consistency in pursuing efforts and contributing to disseminating information about financial education, in general, and capital market education, in particular. Moreover, she emphasized the importance of financial literacy from an early age.

Dewi expects this activity to prepare future capital market investors, who could support national economic growth.

“Our expectation is that when they hit their productive age, they become wise in managing their finances and are able to access financial and investment products according to their needs in order to improve their welfare and quality of life,” she concluded.

Source: antara news
