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Saifuddin Hits Back at Survey Results, Says Anwar’s Career Over Long Ago if True

Going by pollsters’ predictions, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s career would have been over by now, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said as he took a veiled sarcastic jibe at a survey’s findings.

“In 1998, Anwar was sacked from the government. He was humiliated, shamed, beaten up and jailed. If we want to listen to polling numbers and survey findings, Anwar’s political journey would have long ended,” the PKR secretary-general said during the party’s congress here on Saturday (Nov 25).

While Saifuddin did not cite any findings, he appears to be alluding to the Merdeka Centre survey which said that Anwar’s personal approval ratings had slipped to 50%.

The Home Minister said when Anwar left the government in 1998 following his sacking as the deputy prime minister, he left the country with a federal reserve of RM800bil, economic growth was at 8-9%, there was a balanced budget and debt was paid ahead of schedule.

However, when he came to power 24 years later, he inherited a government with over a trillion ringgit in debt, identity politics was getting out of control while the country’s economy was uncertain and the people were feeling the pinch.

“Alhamdulilah, a year has gone by, there is political stability and the economy is robust. Except for the ringgit, all other economic indicators are showing convincing trends. The people’s welfare is our priority,” he said.

He acknowledged that it is far more difficult to achieve political stability and manage the economy over winning an election.

The party’s congress kicked off with the Wanita PKR and Angkatan Muda Keadilan congresses on Saturday (Nov 25).

This is also the first party congress held after PKR chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s appointment as the tenth Prime Minister on Nov 24, 2022.

Source : The Star
